European GamingDRV final conference! Join us on February 5th 2025 / 9:30 - 12:00 CET
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Final Conference coming in February 2025.
Successful completion of the GamingDRV 5th Transnational Partner Meeting (TPM).
Play, Practice and Perform — Gamified Learning to Boost Learning Transfer in the Workplace | Article in Training Industry links to the GamingDRV project
The GamingDRV project hosted a Stakeholder Consultation and Testing Workshop in five languages in February 2024.
Das Erasmus+-Projekt e-ManTRA hat seine Test- und Pilotierungsphase erfolgreich beendet.
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The consortium got together last week for a virtual Transnational Partner Meeting (vTPM).
Das Erasmus+ Projekt e-ManTRA (Schwesterprojekt von GamingDRV) lädt Sie nach Hamburg ein!
Das Erasmus+-Projekt E-ManTRA hat Leitfäden für das digitale Lernen für Trainer*innen und Lernende in Transport und Logistik veröffentlicht.
The project coordinator DEKRA SE was pleased to welcome the consortium to the German capital Berlin from October 25th to 26th of 2022 for the 2nd TPM.
It's been a little quiet around here lately, and for good reason. The project consortium has been busy with the exploration phase of the project and its evaluation.
During the summer, the GamingDRV partners interviewed driver CPC – trainers in all partner countries.
On June 1st the GamingDRV consortium welcomed the associated partners in a v-meeting and updated them about the project’s status.
The Erasmus+ project GamingDRV has kicked off in the beginning of March 2022 with DEKRA SE (Germany) being the leading and coordinating partner.
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